Thursday’s Adventure: Schloß Marienburg
Awoken from its sleep, which had lasted for decades, the castle casts its spell again...
Road trip! Day 7: Zwergejagd (Dwarf Hunt)
There are many legends concerning the origin of the Wrocław dwarves. According to one legend, it dates back centuries when the Oder Pixie arrived. Other stories refer back to the
Road trip! Day 6: Next Stop – Wrocław
It is an interesting juxtaposition - these old buildings that have not been fully restored
Road trip! Day 5: The Great Kraków Quest for Coffee
Have I mentioned that we still have not yet had coffee?
Road trip! Day 4: Onward to Kraków
The GPS program is now yelling at us in Polish...
Road trip! Day 4: Bojnice Castle, Slovakia
The minutes drag on - it is cold and the spot where we are standing feels like a wind tunnel...
Road trip! Day 3: Beautiful Slovakia
When a volcano erupted about 15 million years ago, it predestined the fate of a man and nature...
Road trip! Day 3: Lost in Budapest
I grab some breakfast while Olaf battles the coffee machine for some caffeine.
Road trip! Day 2: An Evening in Budapest
Finally legal, we continue our drive only to see the official vignette sales office on the very next exit...
Road trip! Day 2: Waldviertel & Wienerwald
The hills above are dotted with fortresses in various states of decay...